A performative fashion show by Grace Dinham, Vincent Meyrick and Jasmine Featherston
Act 1:
Audience enter space and observe posters on wall describing mechanical and descriptive accounts of outfits. eg ( Red twill wool pants with copper buttons and hand sewn button holes, red kid leather mules with rubber sole and exposed construction)
Act 2:
Audience sits down around performance space.
Model one knocks on door and comes out in underwear/undergarments.
Model proceeds to large shopper bag in center of space and proceeds to take out clothes and get dressed in them.
Once model is dressed, model parades around space, some doing activites like tending to a pretend fire or performing in some kind of way.
Model returns through the door and shuts it.
Following models proceed in identical fashion.
Act 3:
Performance is finished.
Clothes are taken off models and hung on wall next to posters with their corrosponding descriptions on.
Audience is invited to touch and pick up clothing.